Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King.....GONE BAD!!!

Do you ever have that feeling that your friends are talking about you or that they hate your guts? Well that's what i was feeling this weekend and i was right. The friends that i thought i had no longer existed to me now and my true friends stood by my side, while my so called friends cussed me out for no reason all because of my boyfriends facebook status, and that's where it ended but let me tell you how it all began....

It started on the sunday before MLK day when i got two text messages from my use to be friend Jodi saying that i need to stop making drama just because i told them that i really wanted to do stuff with them but they never asked me to do anything or included me any more? Why i didn't know, but that's all i said and when i asked her what she was talking about she told me it was about a facebook status....I kinda had to laugh at this because everything on facebook does not always have to be real....but i heard her out through all the bologna and then they decided that we all needed to get together and talk, which i agreed.....

So when i got back that sunday after i bowled in a tourney we all sat down and talked and when all was said and done i didn't even feel any better and now all the friends on my floor that i thought i had (including my room mate) are now to me not even apart of my life any more, which sucks but crap happens....I just wished it didn't have to make my MLK day so displeasing. 


  1. Internet drama is lame, sorry you had to deal with it, especially on MLK Day

  2. Yeah its lame....but im getting through but thank you! =]
