Monday, March 30, 2009


Ok so, I am so excited to be going to Mexico in exactly 59 days! I've really never been that far down south before and there is definitely no drinking age, but that is not all that i am excited for. I actually love going out of the country because I like to experience different cultures, sites, taste, and the surroundings. I was born in Guam because my mother was in the Navy, but I still to this day, have never seen Guam or remember it because I was too little when I was there. One of these days I hope to explore all the countries and to visit the different cultures. I just hope that this trip will be great and that the sun will shine bright! =] 


  1. So what's in Mexico? Are you just going for vacation?

  2. Yeah just vacation. My friend dani invited me to go with her on a cruise so its exciting because I have never been on one...
