Wednesday, April 8, 2009


There are many fun and adventurous games today, ranging from bored games to hand games to talking games! However, a lot of games do not involve food or stuffing your face with mini marsh mellows! Chubby Bunny is an awesome game that you can just sit back and start to fill your mouth up with marsh mellows, just to see how many you can fit in your mouth at one time! The point of the game is to beat everyone else and at the end look like a chubby bunny! My friends and I played this game last night when we had the munchies, and we made some great fun memories that we will never forget. So, I recomomend that everyone plays this game at least one day of their lives, because if you don't you will never know what it feels like to be a chubby bunny! =] 

1 comment:

  1. great pics :) Yours is the funniest face. I didn't know this game had a name! I know what we're doin' on Easter with the Peeps!
