Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bowling Is OVER!!!

This week/weekend the BSU team competed in Nationals in Rockford, IL. We didn't do so hot on the first day but that day really didn't matter much, because it was just the qualifying round. However, the next day we went in with all intentions of bringing home a National Title, but we fell short. After the second round of competition we said our goodbyes to Rockford and loaded up the big white van to come home. I felt very frustrated because this year for college bowling is over for the team....
There is always next year to bring home that national title but this years fun memories will last me a lifetime!!!! 
Thank You Lady Cardinals For a WONDERFUL YEAR!!! 


  1. Ah, bummer. Hey, you still did wonderful to get as far as you did! I've been bowling on my new Wii. I stink at it. ;)

  2. lol I love the wii...and thank you very much it means a lot! =]
