Thursday, April 30, 2009

End Of My First Year!

I can safely say that I made it out alive through my first year of college. It was a hard first year because I learned a lot of life experiences, such as, never date someone that lives in the same building then you, because that just starts a lot of drama. Your first semester you should never stock up on 17 credit hours with 2 labs, because you are doom to fail. Also the one thing that is your best advantage to college is to meet new people, because those will be the friends that will help you get through your college career. Ball State made my life a living hell this first year, but it also made me stronger as a person and as a student. Next year will be better for me with a year done and gone, but I hope that next year brings more friends and less of the growing up factor. =]

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Wow, I looked at my calendar today and saw that I only have two more weeks left of my Freshman year in college. It has gone by super fast, but at the same time its been really stressful. This week so far has given me a major headache with all of the assignments that I have to make sure are done within the time period I have left of school. Plus on top of all that I am worried about some of my finals, because I want to do well in the classes that I am bored-lined in. It's just all a mess right now in school and I feel like Im not going to make it through. I guess all I can hope for is to make sure my work is done and study my butt off for my finals! Uggghhhhhh...This is so stressful! =( 

Monday, April 20, 2009


This is actually the first blog that I have ever had in my entire life. I would have to say that my blogs design shows and tells you a lot about my individual personality and what I love the most. As you can see my blog design is very brightly colored in pinks, purples, teals, and yellows. I love bright colors because it makes people have a more positive outlook on life and it just makes others think of summer, which can be relaxing. That's how I wanted my blog to be viewed at by my readers, because no one wants to see just a plain blog or a blog that is not going to catch their eye. That's why my blog is wild and really out there. My blog also shows a lot about college life and a little bit about mine life and the issues that make my life happy or not great at all. I guess its like my own personal stress reliever, because I put my feeling out there for others to read and hopefully be interested in, and to relate their own personal life to.

               The concept of my blog is very simple, I enjoy talking about issues in my life that many or most people know a lot or feel a lot about. I tried to make it serious but at the same time it was a little bit humorous, and I hope that is the reaction that other readers receive. I loved to write about fun stuff that happened in my life that readers could relate to and not so much fun stuff that they could also maybe relate to. I guess you could say that I have a typical teenage girl blog that talks a little about everything, but I don’t have a blog that talks just about girl drama and other such issues.  

              If I had to choose my best post out of my blog I would have to say it would be my absolute first blog, because it really made readers think about their future and how they want to live it and how the future is theirs. My thought on the blogosphere is a great one! I love writing my thoughts on my own personal web journal. I believe its fun and that everyone should experience their own personal Internet journal! The blogosphere opened my eyes to the way I not only write, but the way other people think about my writings and comment on them. Looking at other peoples blogs in the class and then going on the Internet and finding other blogs on different sites is just not the same atmosphere to me. I feel like the blogs done this semester in class are truly creative and are not like most of the other blogs out there. The blogosphere is a whole new world and I’m thrilled that I had a chance to be apart of that! I can actually say that I will continue to write on the blog even after the class is over with.



Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bowling Is OVER!!!

This week/weekend the BSU team competed in Nationals in Rockford, IL. We didn't do so hot on the first day but that day really didn't matter much, because it was just the qualifying round. However, the next day we went in with all intentions of bringing home a National Title, but we fell short. After the second round of competition we said our goodbyes to Rockford and loaded up the big white van to come home. I felt very frustrated because this year for college bowling is over for the team....
There is always next year to bring home that national title but this years fun memories will last me a lifetime!!!! 
Thank You Lady Cardinals For a WONDERFUL YEAR!!! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


There are many fun and adventurous games today, ranging from bored games to hand games to talking games! However, a lot of games do not involve food or stuffing your face with mini marsh mellows! Chubby Bunny is an awesome game that you can just sit back and start to fill your mouth up with marsh mellows, just to see how many you can fit in your mouth at one time! The point of the game is to beat everyone else and at the end look like a chubby bunny! My friends and I played this game last night when we had the munchies, and we made some great fun memories that we will never forget. So, I recomomend that everyone plays this game at least one day of their lives, because if you don't you will never know what it feels like to be a chubby bunny! =] 

Monday, March 30, 2009


Ok so, I am so excited to be going to Mexico in exactly 59 days! I've really never been that far down south before and there is definitely no drinking age, but that is not all that i am excited for. I actually love going out of the country because I like to experience different cultures, sites, taste, and the surroundings. I was born in Guam because my mother was in the Navy, but I still to this day, have never seen Guam or remember it because I was too little when I was there. One of these days I hope to explore all the countries and to visit the different cultures. I just hope that this trip will be great and that the sun will shine bright! =] 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quotes that I made up! =]

1. Thinking of pain will make you sick, working through pain will make you hurt, but dealing with the pain is one step closer to forgetting the person that put you through the pain in the first place! 
2. Love can be true, Love can be real, Love can be the passion that your heart feels! 
3. When people let you down look up and be happy that God is looking down on you! 
4. Never let love blind you because once it does it could turn into your worst enemy. 
5. People say what they want to say so you can listen to whatever you want to hear. 
6. Living on the edge is the only way you can live fully. 
7. When life gets you down, know that I will always be around. 
8. When everything goes wrong and nothing goes right, lean on your friends because they are your dynamite. 
9. People don't change they just put a disguise on to make you think they do! 
10. Your eyes burn a fire in my soul.