Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why am I not SLEEPY!

Since I've been a college student I have been pulling all-nighters like it is my job! I don't know why but a lot of the time im not even tired and its like 2:00 in the morning! I don't know why I wasn't like this in high school, because in high school I could barely stay awake until like 12. 
I do have to say though that college is an experience and my first year has been a big journey but I hope next year becomes a better year for me. This year I had a lot of decisions to make and I had a lot more drama then I ever had in high school, but I do have to admit if I didn't have the drama now then I would've hated it earlier on down the road. Even though, drama never stops any where you go; It follows you all around until your tired of seeing it then it goes away for a couple years. 
Well, im to that point where im tired of seeing it so good bye drama and hello to a new start of not pulling all-nighters but pulling my life back together! =]

Monday, February 16, 2009

Is BSU for me?

Today in my RA class we were talking about living learning communities and she said that you will know by the first couple of weeks if you belong at Ball State or if you would be much happier some where else. Which got me thinking because everything seems to be going really bad this year and she said that if situations occur that are really rough and it seems like you can't get out of the messes, and that you keep having them happen to you then you should probably take another look to see where you are at. 
Im really taking another look but the thing that is holding me back the most from transferring is that i really love BSU as a college and I do think I belong here just not at this time in my life, because everything seems to be going wrong. Another thing is that I don't know what college I would transfer to? It's all a bunch of questions that I still can't answer for myself, but we will see how this year goes and what the end of this semester has in store for me! 

Hopefully not a TRANSFER application! =]

Monday, February 9, 2009

Breaking the NORM....

This semester I am taking sociology and for an essay that is due in three weeks I have to break a NORM. A norm is something that is not original in our society. For example, if you walked into an elevator but you walked to the back and put your noise against the side of the elevator wall and did not turn around to face the doors, that would be breaking a norm. So, I have been trying to come up with something genius, but I can't place my finger on anything that might be a good topic and even better a great norm to break. One problem that I come into every time while trying to think of a norm to break is the LAW. You can not break the law when you are trying to break a norm and that is really hard to do since today in our society everything that you think is not normal is normal. 
This has been on my mind for weeks and I would love to get a great topic so that I get it off my if any one has a good on just post me a comment please and thank you! =] 

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl BUST!

The Super Bowl was yesterday and we all know that the Steelers won, which was a bust because the Cardinals totally should've by the way they played and ran the ball...but each to their own. Any ways the commercials for this Super Bowl were the worst commercials i have ever watched in my entire life. They were pointless and they had no humor what so was like watching my grandma knit sitting in a rocking was down right awful! I mean everyone loves to watch the Super Bowl wether their team made it or not but im sure everyone can testify that the reason you watch the whole Super Bowl is because they have great humor commercials....but i guess this year our economy is in a "down fall"....yeah right says who? President Obama...i wouldn't believe that until our economy hits rock bottom in a crash! 
Just saying that the Super Bowl game might have been great but the commercials really blew!