Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl BUST!

The Super Bowl was yesterday and we all know that the Steelers won, which was a bust because the Cardinals totally should've by the way they played and ran the ball...but each to their own. Any ways the commercials for this Super Bowl were the worst commercials i have ever watched in my entire life. They were pointless and they had no humor what so was like watching my grandma knit sitting in a rocking was down right awful! I mean everyone loves to watch the Super Bowl wether their team made it or not but im sure everyone can testify that the reason you watch the whole Super Bowl is because they have great humor commercials....but i guess this year our economy is in a "down fall"....yeah right says who? President Obama...i wouldn't believe that until our economy hits rock bottom in a crash! 
Just saying that the Super Bowl game might have been great but the commercials really blew! 


  1. Bah, I was so angry when the Steelers came back and won, it was a really good game, but bottomline the cardinals should have won.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more! The Cardinals gave 110% in that game and the Steelers just got lucky! =(

  3. Nobody told me I was going to need 3-D glasses for one or two of the commercials - were they handing those out somewhere? Geez. I did think, however that The Boss (that old guy who hopped around during halftime) still ROCKS. I was rootin' for the Cardinals too. :(
