Monday, February 9, 2009

Breaking the NORM....

This semester I am taking sociology and for an essay that is due in three weeks I have to break a NORM. A norm is something that is not original in our society. For example, if you walked into an elevator but you walked to the back and put your noise against the side of the elevator wall and did not turn around to face the doors, that would be breaking a norm. So, I have been trying to come up with something genius, but I can't place my finger on anything that might be a good topic and even better a great norm to break. One problem that I come into every time while trying to think of a norm to break is the LAW. You can not break the law when you are trying to break a norm and that is really hard to do since today in our society everything that you think is not normal is normal. 
This has been on my mind for weeks and I would love to get a great topic so that I get it off my if any one has a good on just post me a comment please and thank you! =] 


  1. Ok so I was thinking about this and I don't know if this falls into the category of breaking a norm or not, but you could do stuff from other religions, but I'm really unsure of how to say this without offending someone. Such as wear a veil. That may be considered normal.

  2. After I published my last comment I thought of something sepecific. Relating to cultures of other countries. You could sit on the street corner with an Austrailian didgeridoo and play it. I'm pretty sure I've seen nobody doing that.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wear your shirt backwards for a day.. or carry your backpack on your front instead of your back..
