Monday, February 16, 2009

Is BSU for me?

Today in my RA class we were talking about living learning communities and she said that you will know by the first couple of weeks if you belong at Ball State or if you would be much happier some where else. Which got me thinking because everything seems to be going really bad this year and she said that if situations occur that are really rough and it seems like you can't get out of the messes, and that you keep having them happen to you then you should probably take another look to see where you are at. 
Im really taking another look but the thing that is holding me back the most from transferring is that i really love BSU as a college and I do think I belong here just not at this time in my life, because everything seems to be going wrong. Another thing is that I don't know what college I would transfer to? It's all a bunch of questions that I still can't answer for myself, but we will see how this year goes and what the end of this semester has in store for me! 

Hopefully not a TRANSFER application! =]


  1. If anything you could always go to Ivy Tech and get your core classes out of the way. Going that route isn't bad especially if you can stay home or get an apartment and start your life. That could always work :)

  2. I don't fit in with the BSU atmosphere, so I'm transferring to Purdue. It's rough getting all that stuff together, and doing cores at Ivy Tech is a real good idea, if I don't get accepted to Purdue I'm goin to Ivy Tech in West Layfette.

  3. Just because you are having a rough patch in your life doesn't mean you have to rethink where you are going to college. Especially if you really love BSU. To me I can't imagine going anywhere else. I think you should see how the rest of the semester rides out and then make a decision depending on how you think your life can support it.

  4. BSU - especially the core classes - can be overwhelming. I enjoyed going to a smaller college for undergrad BUT, for the most part, colleges all share certain elements. Smaller colleges can have tougher classes or fewer opportunities/events BUT more personal teachers, smaller classrooms, etc. BUT Things go wrong all the time, no matter where you're at - a part of gaining a college education is learning how to cope and problem solve (because, believe me, once college is out of the way, these become indispensable skills)
